Books, stones, bones, ink. Installation. Art Brussels. 2018
Fossils is a collection of objects in flux, infected or in the process of infection by Vermanie. This underground aquosity flows between uterine mucous membranes and the deep layers of the earth. It is a fossilized sap, a substance suspended between the organic and the mineral.
Extracted directly from the flesh, it seeps from lips, saturates damp and mossy soils, and settles at the bottom of empty pools. It is drawn by hands digging into the skin, by teeth breaking bones to extract marrow. It drips over decomposing bodies, weaving a bond between the living and the inanimate. Vermanie acts as a binder, merging sex and abandoned stone, relic and residue. The pages of tear-stained novels, opened and gutted, are emptied of their excess words, transmuted into remnants. Fossils archives these transformations, capturing the moment when matter wavers between dissolution and preservation.